May 12, 2008

Modular houses coming to the hill?


I got this invitation through a Capitol Hill mailing list:

Invitation for the Capitol Hill Neighborhood
Come visit Inhabit prefab modular housing units
May 14th, 4-6PM

Hello All:

This is a special invitation to see a new architectural  concept for multi-family buildings that might be used on Capitol Hill in the fairly near future, and to give feedback while it is still in the conceptual phase.

I am working with Unico Properties to introduce neighborhoods to the concept of  assembling multi-family residential buildings out of factory-built, prefab modules.  It promises to be less disruptive, to provide higher quality at a lower cost, and to to take far less time to complete - all advantages  to neighborhoods.

To  showcase the concept, Unico had two units made and installed them on top of the Rainier Center, one on top of the other.  These are fully furnished living units, designed by Mithun and Hybrid-Seattle architecture firms.

I am inviting you to come downtown next week, Wednesday May 14, 4 PM TO 6 PM to tour the assembled modules and be introduced to the concept.  The attached invitation has interior and exterior photos as well as additional background information.

Unico plans to utilize this concept in multiple neighborhoods.  Although the company has not yet obtained a site in Capitol Hill, it may happen in the future, and their goal is to work with the neighborhood in advance, to build understanding and relationships and to find out what individuals might care about in particular. ( The first actual project is in design review right now and will be built at 1701 Dexter Avenue, near the Dexter Hayes Pub.

Full invite [PDF]

Cigarette butts

img061 There sure are a lot of them on the hill. Judging by my Saturday morning, tobacco companies aren't going out of business anytime soon.

I spent Saturday morning with about 75 motivated neighbors cleaning up 14th and 15th Avenues. The day kicked off with words from the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce (no, not that CHCC), a local SPD officer, and Ed Murray, one of our state senators and neighbor on the hill. The SPD east precinct captain even picked up a broom and mixed it up.

Pizza by Piecora's and a jazz band afterwards wrapped up a morning of do-goodedness. So next time you flick your butt, your karma loss is my gain!